Disclaimer: Images shown above are faithful replications of the actual colour but monitors & screens display colours differently. Always request a sample if you are unsure.
Milliken Juxtapose
£42.90 m2
Available in the following styles
- Mezzanine
- Cella
- Aisle
- Aquamarine
- Scarlet
- Jungle
- Doric
- Ocean Depth
- Nave
- Keystone
- Gable
- Pitch
- Foundation
- Cove
- Pier
- Dome
- Architrave
- Blueprint
- French Blue
- Render
- Hip
- Column
- Pillar
- Truss
- Vault
- Eaves
- Corbel
- Spar
- Azul
- Wainscot
- Apple
- Ridge
- Cement
- Brace
- Arch
- Sash
- Cornice
- Estrade
- Joist
- Sapphire
Milliken Juxtapose is a hardwearing solution-dyed nylon tile.
This range is split between two variants: Birghts & Neutrals.
With 39 colours overall this is a fantastic range to find whatever colour you are looking for.
Milliken cushion backing as standard and its StainSmart technology this is a fantastic quality product.
Packaging: 18 Tiles Per Box (4.5m²).
- Anti-static properties
- Class 33 Heavy Commercial Use
- Class Bfl – s1 Safety Rating
- 15 years guarantee
- Solution Dyed Nylon 6 6 (20% recycled content) with Stain Smart